

北尾吉孝に対する評価・印象は、1位 実力派(42%)、2位 賢い(30%)、3位 話題(22%)であると考えられます。(参考データポイント:119)





RT @hey_kichi_: 事務局はSBIリップルアジアとのこと。 https://t.co/80StDzJLo9
証券各社、ブロックチェーン技術活用で連携 業務効率化目指す: 日本経済新聞
RT @hey_kichi_: 事務局はSBIリップルアジアとのこと。 https://t.co/80StDzJLo9
証券各社、ブロックチェーン技術活用で連携 業務効率化目指す: 日本経済新聞
RT @Bitcoin_time: SBI Ripple Asia to lead Japanese Brokerage #blockchain Adoption #Ripple #altcoins #japan https://t.co/QpLJqMKCVA … https:…
SBI Ripple Asia to lead Japanese Brokerage Blockchain Adoption
XRP is down 66% from its high a couple of days after New Year but not all news is bad. SBI Ripple Asia will be leading a group to drive further adoption of blockchain technologies in Japan.

RT @Bitcoin_time: SBI Ripple Asia to lead Japanese Brokerage #blockchain Adoption #Ripple #altcoins #japan https://t.co/QpLJqMKCVA … https:…
SBI Ripple Asia to lead Japanese Brokerage Blockchain Adoption
XRP is down 66% from its high a couple of days after New Year but not all news is bad. SBI Ripple Asia will be leading a group to drive further adoption of blockchain technologies in Japan.


RT @XRPtheone: SBI Ripple Asia Forms Consortium to Bring DLT to Securities https://t.co/tYAsjlRMms via @CoinDesk
SBI Ripple Asia Forms Consortium to Bring DLT to Securities - CoinDesk
The joint venture between investment giant SBI and Ripple is forming a group to research the use of distributed ledgers in securities products.

RT @XRPtheone: SBI Ripple Asia Forms Consortium to Bring DLT to Securities https://t.co/tYAsjlRMms via @CoinDesk
SBI Ripple Asia Forms Consortium to Bring DLT to Securities - CoinDesk
The joint venture between investment giant SBI and Ripple is forming a group to research the use of distributed ledgers in securities products.

RT @XRPHODLER: Japan's brokerages joining to adopt blockchain - SBI Ripple Asia will be the lead organizer for the group | #Ripple #XRP htt…
RT @XRPHODLER: Japan's brokerages joining to adopt blockchain - SBI Ripple Asia will be the lead organizer for the group | #Ripple #XRP htt…
RT @morningstarjp: 今日の市況: <今日の仮想通貨市況>ビットコイン、売り優勢の地合い続く https://t.co/TNqjzkK9pl <株式NEWS> #kabu #news
RT @morningstarjp: 今日の市況: <今日の仮想通貨市況>ビットコイン、売り優勢の地合い続く https://t.co/TNqjzkK9pl <株式NEWS> #kabu #news
RT @yoshitaka_kitao: リップル(XRP)に投資する5つの利点とは?英WEB紙「Independent」が独自取材 https://t.co/tFvulBAP3F @coin_choiceさんから

RT @yoshitaka_kitao: リップル(XRP)に投資する5つの利点とは?英WEB紙「Independent」が独自取材 https://t.co/tFvulBAP3F @coin_choiceさんから

RT @yoshitaka_kitao: Why Ripple (XRP) is the Most Resilient Altcoin of 2018 https://t.co/ZObI1hjwU9 @Oracle Timesさんから
Why Ripple (XRP) is the Most Resilient Altcoin of 2018 | Oracle Times

RT @yoshitaka_kitao: Why Ripple (XRP) is the Most Resilient Altcoin of 2018 https://t.co/ZObI1hjwU9 @Oracle Timesさんから
Why Ripple (XRP) is the Most Resilient Altcoin of 2018 | Oracle Times

RT @yoshitaka_kitao: 3 Reasons Why Starbucks Will Accept Ripple (XRP) in 2018 https://t.co/ZQVv36TWRu @Oracle Timesさんから
3 Reasons Why Starbucks Will Accept Ripple (XRP) in 2018 | Oracle Times

RT @yoshitaka_kitao: 3 Reasons Why Starbucks Will Accept Ripple (XRP) in 2018 https://t.co/ZQVv36TWRu @Oracle Timesさんから
3 Reasons Why Starbucks Will Accept Ripple (XRP) in 2018 | Oracle Times

RT @technology: Bitcoin is losing fans https://t.co/CBHDbumVwc https://t.co/zguAZWJJl8
Investors Increasingly Willing to Spread Bet Against Bitcoin - Bloomberg
Bitcoin is losing fans.

RT @technology: Bitcoin is losing fans https://t.co/CBHDbumVwc https://t.co/zguAZWJJl8
Investors Increasingly Willing to Spread Bet Against Bitcoin - Bloomberg
Bitcoin is losing fans.

RT @nikkei: 積み立て投資に勢い NISAなど150万口座に https://t.co/MtTCFfI8Xy
積み立て投資に勢い NISAなど150万口座に  :日本経済新聞

RT @nikkei: 積み立て投資に勢い NISAなど150万口座に https://t.co/MtTCFfI8Xy
積み立て投資に勢い NISAなど150万口座に  :日本経済新聞

RT @WorldIFnews: 中小型株式ファンドが隆盛(投信観測所) - 日本経済新聞 https://t.co/9M8N4fVowl
中小型株式ファンドが隆盛(投信観測所)  :日本経済新聞

RT @WorldIFnews: 中小型株式ファンドが隆盛(投信観測所) - 日本経済新聞 https://t.co/9M8N4fVowl
中小型株式ファンドが隆盛(投信観測所)  :日本経済新聞

RT @nikkeibpITpro: 好きな時に投資口座に入金、住信SBIネット銀が更新系APIで(ニュース) https://t.co/8q6LfuFIDL
好きな時に投資口座に入金、住信SBIネット銀が更新系APIで | 日経 xTECH(クロステック)

RT @nikkeibpITpro: 好きな時に投資口座に入金、住信SBIネット銀が更新系APIで(ニュース) https://t.co/8q6LfuFIDL
好きな時に投資口座に入金、住信SBIネット銀が更新系APIで | 日経 xTECH(クロステック)

RT @FortuneMagazine: Ripple adds new partners in push to make case for XRP https://t.co/XReX2pOa9F
Ripple Partners With IDT Corporation and MercuryFX | Fortune
Ripple announced on Wednesday that a currency exchange firm and a telecom provider will be the latest to use XRP.

RT @FortuneMagazine: Ripple adds new partners in push to make case for XRP https://t.co/XReX2pOa9F
Ripple Partners With IDT Corporation and MercuryFX | Fortune
Ripple announced on Wednesday that a currency exchange firm and a telecom provider will be the latest to use XRP.

RT @sky_fly_ripple: SWIFT、ハッキングによる被害総額が過去3年間で1億5900万ドルという記事。 まさに背水の陣。どうするSWIFT。 救世主は誰だ?? #XRP #Ripple SWIFT Thefts and How Ripple Can Help…
RT @sky_fly_ripple: SWIFT、ハッキングによる被害総額が過去3年間で1億5900万ドルという記事。 まさに背水の陣。どうするSWIFT。 救世主は誰だ?? #XRP #Ripple SWIFT Thefts and How Ripple Can Help…
RT @yoshitaka_kitao: Japan's online banks gain ground on their conventional counterparts- Nikkei Asian Review https://t.co/6zLJEksDrA
Japan's online banks gain ground on their conventional counterparts- Nikkei Asian Review
TOKYO -- The most popular mortgage lender in Japan is not one of its big established banks, but an online-only company known as SBI Sumishin Net Bank.

RT @yoshitaka_kitao: Japan's online banks gain ground on their conventional counterparts- Nikkei Asian Review https://t.co/6zLJEksDrA
Japan's online banks gain ground on their conventional counterparts- Nikkei Asian Review
TOKYO -- The most popular mortgage lender in Japan is not one of its big established banks, but an online-only company known as SBI Sumishin Net Bank.


北尾 吉孝(きたお よしたか、男性、1951年1月21日 - )は、日本の実業家、SBIホールディングス株式会社代表取締役執行役員CEOである。



