

ロブ・ブライドンに対する評価・印象は、1位 話題(54%)、2位 愛すべき(31%)、3位 憧れ(4%)、4位 楽しい(4%)、5位 賢い(4%)であると考えられます。(参考データポイント:66)




I’m going to this... https://t.co/pL7harjLTD
I’m going to this... https://t.co/pL7harjLTD
I’m going to this... https://t.co/pL7harjLTD
Sad to be leaving beautiful Harrogate. And Starbeck.


Sad to be leaving beautiful Harrogate. And Starbeck.
Sad to be leaving beautiful Harrogate. And Starbeck.
The Harrogate International Centre last night. Not as big a crowd as I’d have liked. https://t.co/JVgQTQpKd2

The Harrogate International Centre last night. Not as big a crowd as I’d have liked. https://t.co/JVgQTQpKd2

The Harrogate International Centre last night. Not as big a crowd as I’d have liked. https://t.co/JVgQTQpKd2

Thank you Watfordians, what a great night!
Thank you Watfordians, what a great night!
Thank you Watfordians, what a great night!
RT @Baddiel: Said it before but - as I sit here at Woodall services with the remains of 3 pieces in front of me - there’s really nothing th…
RT @Baddiel: Said it before but - as I sit here at Woodall services with the remains of 3 pieces in front of me - there’s really nothing th…
RT @Baddiel: Said it before but - as I sit here at Woodall services with the remains of 3 pieces in front of me - there’s really nothing th…
Oh Kevin! I shall be at The Festival Theatre in Edinburgh on Friday 14th September. Sorry
Oh Kevin! I shall be at The Festival Theatre in Edinburgh on Friday 14th September. Sorry
Oh Kevin! I shall be at The Festival Theatre in Edinburgh on Friday 14th September. Sorry
RT @LullabyTrust: @RobBrydon Hi Rob our BBC Radio 4 appeal went out on Sun and will be broadcast again 3.25pm on Thurs. It is read by Emma…
RT @LullabyTrust: @RobBrydon Hi Rob our BBC Radio 4 appeal went out on Sun and will be broadcast again 3.25pm on Thurs. It is read by Emma…
RT @LullabyTrust: @RobBrydon Hi Rob our BBC Radio 4 appeal went out on Sun and will be broadcast again 3.25pm on Thurs. It is read by Emma…
I am honoured. He even looks like me.
I am honoured. He even looks like me.
I am honoured. He even looks like me.
RT @HelenAndDouglas: @RobBrydon Can you help us get to £100,000 by 7pm today? PLEASE share & encourage others to DONATE: ☎️ CALL call 0186…
RT @HelenAndDouglas: @RobBrydon Can you help us get to £100,000 by 7pm today? PLEASE share & encourage others to DONATE: ☎️ CALL call 0186…
RT @HelenAndDouglas: @RobBrydon Can you help us get to £100,000 by 7pm today? PLEASE share & encourage others to DONATE: ☎️ CALL call 0186…


ロブ・ブライドン(Rob Brydon、1965年5月3日 - )は、ウェールズ出身の俳優・コメディアン・テレビ/ラジオ番組の司会者・歌手。BBCのコメディ番組のロブの「この年、オレ年」の司会者、同じくマリオンとジェフとそのスピンオフであるThe Keith Barret Showにおけるキース・バレット役などで知られる。ブライドンは数々の俳優・コメディアンと共演しているが特にスティーヴ・クーガンとジュリア・デイヴィスとの共演が多い。



