

ルパート・マードックに対する評価・印象は、1位 話題(67%)、2位 愛すべき(14%)、3位 賢い(7%)、4位 憧れ(3%)、5位 楽しい(3%)、6位 実力派(3%)であると考えられます。(参考データポイント:84)






US race relations bad enough without Clinton, Sanders trolling for black votes trying to criminalise cops. Worst type of pandering.
US race relations bad enough without Clinton, Sanders trolling for black votes trying to criminalise cops. Worst type of pandering.
Sadly UK's Independent print paper closes after about 30 years. Any loss of diversity bad.
Sadly UK's Independent print paper closes after about 30 years. Any loss of diversity bad.


Is Hillary scared of something? Endlessly eulogises Obama while whole world knows of their intense mutual antipathy.
Is Hillary scared of something? Endlessly eulogises Obama while whole world knows of their intense mutual antipathy.
Tonight's audience in S.C. Probably rigged by party establishment. Repeating old tricks from previous elections.
Tonight's audience in S.C. Probably rigged by party establishment. Repeating old tricks from previous elections.
Great reads in WSJ: Charles Murray on Trumps' America and Juan Williams on pandering in the Carolinas.. Great reminders of our problems.
Great reads in WSJ: Charles Murray on Trumps' America and Juan Williams on pandering in the Carolinas.. Great reminders of our problems.
Tomorrow's polls. If Trump beats Cruz by ten plus or Rubio runs 2nd it's over for Cruz. And if Sanders beats Hilary in Nev curtains for her.
Trump blames me for WSJ poll, fights FoxNews. Time to calm down. If I running anti-Trump conspiracy then doing lousy job!
Tomorrow's polls. If Trump beats Cruz by ten plus or Rubio runs 2nd it's over for Cruz. And if Sanders beats Hilary in Nev curtains for her.
Pope was wrong, but Trump moved fast to make peace! Bet he changes tone but not policy if still winning most states by mid-March.
Pope was wrong, but Trump moved fast to make peace! Bet he changes tone but not policy if still winning most states by mid-March.
Congratulations Michael Gove. Friends always knew his principles would overcome his personal friendships.
Congratulations Michael Gove. Friends always knew his principles would overcome his personal friendships.
NYT fawning story about Hillary and Libya fails to mention resulting state of country today and rise of ISIS there.
NYT fawning story about Hillary and Libya fails to mention resulting state of country today and rise of ISIS there.
Both "establishment" Republicans and Trump need to cool it and close ranks to fight real enemy. Trump, Rubio, Kasich could all win general.
Both "establishment" Republicans and Trump need to cool it and close ranks to fight real enemy. Trump, Rubio, Kasich could all win general.
UK Labor so hopeless ruling Tories indulge in tearing each other apart over Europe.. Dangerous, even if started by Cameron.
UK Labor so hopeless ruling Tories indulge in tearing each other apart over Europe.. Dangerous, even if started by Cameron.
As predicted, Trump reaching out to make peace with Republican "establishment". If he becomes inevitable party would be mad not to unify.
As predicted, Trump reaching out to make peace with Republican "establishment". If he becomes inevitable party would be mad not to unify.
UK Brexit campaign gathers force as government makes obviously false claims aimed at scaring voters. Early days yet.
If Trump nominated some Republicans may stay home, but not nearly as many Dems already abstaining or crossing over!
Consider comparative primary turnouts for Republicans and Democrats. @natesilver not such good prediction record these days.
Consider comparative primary turnouts for Republicans and Democrats. @natesilver not such good prediction record these days.
No more tweets for ten days or ever! Feel like the luckiest AND happiest man in world.


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