

マルチナ・ナブラチロワに対する評価・印象は、1位 実力派(54%)、2位 愛すべき(29%)、3位 話題(12%)、4位 賢い(4%)であると考えられます。(参考データポイント:144)






RT @TrueFactsStated: Irony alert. NRA makes a fund raising pitch warning people about our billboards-so we make a fundraising pitch using t…
RT @AynRandPaulRyan:
RT @kyledcheney: I asked Carter Page today if he'd heard from FBI or congressional investigators since the Nunes memo came out. His reply:…
RT @AynRandPaulRyan:


RT @SethAbramson: Someone explain this to me: Donald Trump is micromanaging the illegal use of the presidential seal on mugs, golf courses…
RT @dodo: This rescue duck can't stop cuddling with the woman who saved her life

RT @RawStory: We're doomed: https://t.co/qBJ4QF52Hk
Ex-Defense official tells MSNBC: 'Putin has crossed every red line' -- and Trump has done 'precisely nothing'
A former chief of staff for the Department of Defense and the CIA said President Donald Trump has done “precisely nothing” to respond to Russia’s escalating provocations. Jeremy Bash, who served a senior advisor to Leon Panetta in both roles, disputed the president’s claim that his administration was “working very hard” to counter Russian attacks on American democracy. “They have done precisely nothing to secure our election systems,” Bash said. The director of national intelligence, …
RT @AynRandPaulRyan:
Gunman was drunk during mass shooting at Cowboys party, autopsy shows - scary part is this shooting is news to me

Texas judge ordered electric shocks to silence man on trial. Conviction thrown out. - Another trump bestie? https://t.co/BaEVkpCjTD
‘Barbarism’: Texas judge ordered electric shocks to silence man on trial. Conviction thrown out.
"Hit him,” Judge George Gallagher said to the bailiff controlling the inmate's stun belt.

Man Pleads Guilty To Murder Of Indian Man After Yelling ‘Get Out Of My Country’- all this crime is on you 45!!! https://t.co/ZWG0iSZQ7C
Man Pleads Guilty To Murder Of Indian Man After Yelling 'Get Out Of My Country' | HuffPost
He still faces federal hate crime charges.

GOP Congresswoman Questions Need For Government-Funded Research On Gun Violence- I would love for my tax $ 2go here! https://t.co/67G4GUtPLH
GOP Congresswoman Questions The Need For Government-Funded Research On Gun Violence | HuffPost
"I’m not sure that’s the best use of taxpayer money,” Rep. Claudia Tenney said.

For Two Months, I Got My News From Print Newspapers. Here’s What I Learned. - Is it ok to tweet this article?:) https://t.co/iSHpDvG56o
For Two Months, I Got My News From Print Newspapers. Here’s What I Learned.
Our tech columnist tried to skip digital news for a while. His old-school experiment led to three main conclusions.

Women We Overlooked in 167 Years of New York Times Obituaries - about time...male privilege even in death... https://t.co/tIxRG8YOLQ
15 Remarkable Women We Overlooked in Our Obituaries - The New York Times
The poet Sylvia Plath and the novelist Charlotte Brontë. Ida B. Wells, the anti-lynching activist. These extraordinary women — and so many others — did not have obituaries in The New York Times. Until now.

Outrage Over Footage of Police Officer Beating a Black Man in North Carolina, - these cops should be doing time https://t.co/WT1811VcqS
Outrage Over Footage of Police Officer Beating a Black Man in North Carolina - The New York Times
A body camera video that was leaked to the news media has led to the resignation of a police officer in Asheville, N.C.

Mr. Trump, Here’s a Teenage Hero; It’s Your Turn!, - not holding my breath... https://t.co/vwzgvPHz83
Mr. Trump, Here’s a Teenage Hero; It’s Your Turn! - The New York Times
A 15-year-old stood up to the Parkland gunman, yet the president won’t stand up to the N.R.A.

The Worst People, - the only qualification trump demands is loyalty -nothing else matters. https://t.co/6p4yZVEzS4
The Worst People - The New York Times
Trump promised again and again to hire the “best people.” That didn’t happen.

RT @ShaunKing: In 1985, Trump advisor George Nader was found with a slew of child pornography. The case was dropped on a technicality. Pe…
RT @morgfair: Kushner's Middle East policy point man was indicted for child pornography in the 80's https://t.co/SRgI1Uy6WU
Kushner's Middle East policy point man was indicted for child pornography in the 80's
George Nader, a former associate of White House adviser and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner that frequented the West Wing in the early days of the Trump administration, was once arrested for possession of child pornography in the 1980’s. The Atlantic reported Thursday evening that Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman currently cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller, was arrested on the obscenity charges in 1985 but eventually had his charges dropped after the key evidence — photographs …
RT @BoingBoing: The world's richest 2,000 billionaires could wipe out extreme poverty with one seventh of what they gained last year. https…
RT @MiaMarieMacy: Sick! Another asshole writing that women and trans should shut up because we are ruining all the shit gays fought for. We…
RT @Amy_Siskind: Week 63 has 134 not normal items. The fabric of our country is changing at an alarming pace as Trump’s ICE is becoming in…
RT @Ringham7: John McEnroe, Billie Jean King, @Martina Navratilova , @Venuseswilliams -- how many Grand Slam titles is that? Good thing QF9…
RT @DSWT: Enkesha has seen a lot in her short life, which makes her fun-loving character all the more special. Find out why she came into o…
RT @ACLU_WA: People with disabilities should have the right to decide whether to have a family. It is not right that my friends who are und…
RT @ReaderAdrift: @amjoyshow @Frank_Schaeffer They believe in Christian Supremacy. We need to be talking about it as openly as we talk abo…
@ReaderAdrift @amjoyshow @Frank_Schaeffer good to know one can get a Mulligan for the first 70 years of one’s life. Unbelievable…
RT @Hogshead3Au: Awesome students! I’m here in DC doing media n talks with legislatures to get S 534 passed, “Protecting Young Victims of S…
RT @brezzo: Rep. Jim Jordan just said, with a straight face on national television, that Democrats are the ones who paid the Russians to sw…


マルチナ・ナブラチロワ(Martina Navrátilová
, 1956年10月18日 - )は、チェコスロバキア(当時、現在チェコ共和国)プラハ出身の女子プロテニス選手。ウィンブルドン選手権の大会史上最多優勝記録(9勝)、WTAツアーの最多優勝記録(シングルス167勝、ダブルス177勝)など、数々の歴史的な記録を樹立した名選手である。4大大会シングルス通算「18勝」はライバルのクリス・エバートと並ぶ女子歴代4位タイ記録。左利きの選手で、ネット・プレーを最も得意にしている。

