

ブランドン・モローに対する評価・印象は、1位 話題(41%)、2位 賢い(35%)、3位 実力派(23%)であると考えられます。(参考データポイント:51)




Interesting viewpoint…but at least he’s got the facts right….
Interesting viewpoint…but at least he’s got the facts right….
Interesting viewpoint…but at least he’s got the facts right….
Interesting viewpoint…but at least he’s got the facts right….
@jparencibia9 Hiro
@jparencibia9 Hiro
@jparencibia9 Hiro
@jparencibia9 Hiro
I stand with @JDRF to demand support for the Special Diabetes Program and the critical diabetes research it funds.… https://t.co/hR2SSF05d4
I stand with @JDRF to demand support for the Special Diabetes Program and the critical diabetes research it funds.… https://t.co/hR2SSF05d4
I stand with @JDRF to demand support for the Special Diabetes Program and the critical diabetes research it funds.… https://t.co/hR2SSF05d4
I stand with @JDRF to demand support for the Special Diabetes Program and the critical diabetes research it funds.… https://t.co/hR2SSF05d4
RT @enosarris: No Chris Russo, I *don’t* want to listen to you tell players to keep their mouth shut. Channel changed.
RT @enosarris: No Chris Russo, I *don’t* want to listen to you tell players to keep their mouth shut. Channel changed.
RT @enosarris: No Chris Russo, I *don’t* want to listen to you tell players to keep their mouth shut. Channel changed.
RT @enosarris: No Chris Russo, I *don’t* want to listen to you tell players to keep their mouth shut. Channel changed.
RT @Wasserman: Look who’s in Cooperstown! @2Morrow23’s cap and cleats that he wore while appearing in all seven World Series games last sea…
RT @Wasserman: Look who’s in Cooperstown! @2Morrow23’s cap and cleats that he wore while appearing in all seven World Series games last sea…
RT @Wasserman: Look who’s in Cooperstown! @2Morrow23’s cap and cleats that he wore while appearing in all seven World Series games last sea…
RT @Wasserman: Look who’s in Cooperstown! @2Morrow23’s cap and cleats that he wore while appearing in all seven World Series games last sea…
RT @TheDailyShow: Monday night’s MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS is going to be
RT @TheDailyShow: Monday night’s MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS is going to be
RT @TheDailyShow: Monday night’s MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS is going to be
@jparencibia9 Just put down the ✌
@jparencibia9 Just put down the ✌
@jparencibia9 Just put down the ✌


ブランドン・ジョン・モロー(Brandon John Morrow, 1984年7月26日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国・カリフォルニア州サンタローザ出身のプロ野球選手(投手)。右投右打。現在はサンディエゴ・パドレス傘下に所属。



