

トニー・オリバーに対する評価・印象は、1位 愛すべき(48%)、2位 話題(40%)、3位 憧れ(5%)であると考えられます。(参考データポイント:105)




Just finished a great weekend teaching AiVA workshops in NYC. A bit of business left here and I'm back to LA to direct more K-On! season 2.
Check out my new video on the AiVA YouTube channel about projection and breathing, ProjectingVoice.mov: http://t.co/KUVdkqh2 via @youtube
ProjectingVoice.mov - YouTube
A few words on projecting your voice when working in the voice booth.

At my booth at the Voice 2012 Convention at Disneyland Hotel surrounded by Voice Actors I really admire and talking about my workshops. FUN
Day 3 at Voice 2012. Lots of great networking. Excited about teaching an after hours class with Bill Holmes tonight at 8. AiVA goes big!


At AX 2012. Hosting Open Auditions at the Bang Zoom Booth at 4:30 then interviewing Kyle Hebert at the Inside the Voice Actor's Studio panel
Here at AX for another day! Just finished a spot on Crunchyroll and am hosting Open Auditions again followed by a panel with Mela Lee. Whew!
Heading to San Diego Comic con tomorrow to be on a panel about Power Rangers at 2pm. If you're there join us to help kick off 20 years!
On the plane on route to Dallas. Looking forward to teaching the AIVA workshops there this weekend. Also get to play at Funimation today!
On my way to New York to teach AiVA voice acting workshops. I love teaching in New York. Can't wait to get started tomorrow.
It's a beautiful day in Columbus OH for the first day of Matsuri Con. Doing a Power Ranger Panel at 1:30. Let the games begin!
Just saw a older man in the hotel elevator wearing a pink plastic dress with white ruffles. The Neko con convention is underway!
It's day 2 at Neko con. Just finished my Q&A. Great questions. I've got autographs at 4 and my Power Ranger panel at 8pm.
Day 3 at Nekocon. I'll be doing an AiVA mini workshop at noon and then autographs at 2. I love my job!
At Anime Expo. Wow! It's packed! Have an Inside the Voice Actor's Studio Panel with Bryce Papenbrook at 6:15 in Room 501. Crazy day :)
At AFO in Orlando! Getting ready to screen two eps of Fate Zero. After that its opening ceremonies and my AiVA mini workshop!
RT @RichardEpcar: Day 25, still being held prisoner in a sound studio. Send sandwiches!
RT @ErinFitzgerald: Guys!!! @RichardEpcar isn't the only one trapped @TonyOliverVA is 2 & I'm next w/ @MichelleRuffvo1 #SendSandwiches http…
@KieranStrange @chrisdpatton I am totally free after 8:30 and would love to get together.
@KieranStrange @chrisdpatton I'm pretty sure I'll be at Matsuri next year.


トニー・オリバー(Tony Oliver、1958年5月12日 - ) は、アメリカ合衆国の男性声優、脚本家、プロデューサー、音響監督。TBエンターテイメント社長兼CEO。プエルトリコ・サンフアン出身。妻は脚本家のバーバラ・A・オリバー。別名はアントニオ・オリバー(Antonio Oliver)、 ラファエル・オリバー(Rafael Oliver)。

