

タニス・ベルビンに対する評価・印象は、1位 実力派(57%)、2位 賢い(21%)、3位 話題(14%)、4位 憧れ(7%)であると考えられます。(参考データポイント:42)




@rol411 Her coach told me she’s tried them in practice. Why not?!
@rol411 Her coach told me she’s tried them in practice. Why not?!
@PhlowerGirl @ScottHamilton84 Thank you, Kimberly!
@PhlowerGirl @ScottHamilton84 Thank you, Kimberly!


@williamward @ScottHamilton84 We were having trouble with the signal and our mics were dropping out
@williamward @ScottHamilton84 We were having trouble with the signal and our mics were dropping out
@chriselam @NBCOlympics @NBCSports @terrygannon83 I miss seeing Ben every day, but I love this new role! Thank you for watching!
@chriselam @NBCOlympics @NBCSports @terrygannon83 I miss seeing Ben every day, but I love this new role! Thank you for watching!
Recycling this photo with one very special update
Recycling this photo with one very special update
Closing ceremony complete! And with that, I say goodbye to one Games and hello to another. Paralympics, here I come
Closing ceremony complete! And with that, I say goodbye to one Games and hello to another. Paralympics, here I come
@miketirico And thank YOU Mike for being our fantastic & fearless leader!
@miketirico And thank YOU Mike for being our fantastic & fearless leader!
@GirlsOnIceDET and @Meryl_Davis are doing some amazing things in Detroit and can use all of our support! Check out… https://t.co/7RIaxnGH2P
@GirlsOnIceDET and @Meryl_Davis are doing some amazing things in Detroit and can use all of our support! Check out… https://t.co/7RIaxnGH2P
@MamaLinzD @ZARA @NBCSports Mac Retro Matte “Ruby Woo”
@MamaLinzD @ZARA @NBCSports Mac Retro Matte “Ruby Woo”
@ScottHamilton84 @liam_mchugh @NBCOlympics I’m already missing all of you! Thank you, Scott, for always providing a… https://t.co/hfZz88jbQo
@ScottHamilton84 @liam_mchugh @NBCOlympics I’m already missing all of you! Thank you, Scott, for always providing a… https://t.co/hfZz88jbQo
@Ben_Agosto @NBCOlympics @NBCSports Thank you, Ben!!! Next time we need to unite our Olympic Ice forces in one place #DREAMTEAM
@Ben_Agosto @NBCOlympics @NBCSports Thank you, Ben!!! Next time we need to unite our Olympic Ice forces in one place #DREAMTEAM
@bluffdweller @NBCOlympics @NBCSports Thanks Uncle Paul!!! Have a GREAT trip
@bluffdweller @NBCOlympics @NBCSports Thanks Uncle Paul!!! Have a GREAT trip
@rockerskating @Ben_Agosto @NBCOlympics @NBCSports
@rockerskating @Ben_Agosto @NBCOlympics @NBCSports
This is just the best! @MaiaShibutani & @AlexShibutani #bestofus @NBCOlympics https://t.co/Uzqqdkna0h
This is just the best! @MaiaShibutani & @AlexShibutani #bestofus @NBCOlympics https://t.co/Uzqqdkna0h


, 1984年7月11日 - )は、カナダオンタリオ州キングストン出身、アメリカの女性元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。2006年トリノオリンピックアイスダンス銀メダリスト。パートナーはベンジャミン・アゴスト。夫はフィギュアスケート選手のチャーリー・ホワイト。

