
ジョシュ・グローバン( ワーナー・ミュージック・グループ )に関わる噂や評判、印象データをまとめています。

ジョシュ・グローバンに対する評価・印象は、1位 愛すべき(40%)、2位 話題(40%)、3位 憧れ(20%)であると考えられます。(参考データポイント:15)






Thank you for capturing the moment I made this legend laugh. I’ll play it for my grandkids!! https://t.co/yHAUTy2NQF
Thank you for capturing the moment I made this legend laugh. I’ll play it for my grandkids!! https://t.co/yHAUTy2NQF
Thank you for capturing the moment I made this legend laugh. I’ll play it for my grandkids!! https://t.co/yHAUTy2NQF
Thank you for capturing the moment I made this legend laugh. I’ll play it for my grandkids!! https://t.co/yHAUTy2NQF


Thank you for capturing the moment I made this legend laugh. I’ll play it for my grandkids!! https://t.co/yHAUTy2NQF
Massive bravo to @johnlegend, @SaraBareilles, @BrandonVDixon, @normlewis777 my beloved cometeers @feeltheheath &… https://t.co/cSBUcmTAUs
Massive bravo to @johnlegend, @SaraBareilles, @BrandonVDixon, @normlewis777 my beloved cometeers @feeltheheath &… https://t.co/cSBUcmTAUs
Massive bravo to @johnlegend, @SaraBareilles, @BrandonVDixon, @normlewis777 my beloved cometeers @feeltheheath &… https://t.co/cSBUcmTAUs
Massive bravo to @johnlegend, @SaraBareilles, @BrandonVDixon, @normlewis777 my beloved cometeers @feeltheheath &… https://t.co/cSBUcmTAUs
Massive bravo to @johnlegend, @SaraBareilles, @BrandonVDixon, @normlewis777 my beloved cometeers @feeltheheath &… https://t.co/cSBUcmTAUs
@Timpanist @AdanVGallegos Thank you Adan!!! You rock!
@Timpanist @AdanVGallegos Thank you Adan!!! You rock!
@Timpanist @AdanVGallegos Thank you Adan!!! You rock!
@Timpanist @AdanVGallegos Thank you Adan!!! You rock!
@Timpanist @AdanVGallegos Thank you Adan!!! You rock!
@SaraBareilles @JCSTheMusical It was an incredible atmosphere backstage...like broadway buzz and arena energy all in one.
@SaraBareilles @JCSTheMusical It was an incredible atmosphere backstage...like broadway buzz and arena energy all in one.
@SaraBareilles @JCSTheMusical It was an incredible atmosphere backstage...like broadway buzz and arena energy all in one.
@SaraBareilles @JCSTheMusical It was an incredible atmosphere backstage...like broadway buzz and arena energy all in one.
@SaraBareilles @JCSTheMusical It was an incredible atmosphere backstage...like broadway buzz and arena energy all in one.
RT @HuffPost: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela was a tireless activist who spent decades working to oppose racist policies. https://t.co/1q83hUYVxO
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Anti-Apartheid Campaigner, Is Dead At 81 | HuffPost
The South African activist spent decades standing up against racial segregation and discrimination.

RT @HuffPost: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela was a tireless activist who spent decades working to oppose racist policies. https://t.co/1q83hUYVxO
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Anti-Apartheid Campaigner, Is Dead At 81 | HuffPost
The South African activist spent decades standing up against racial segregation and discrimination.

RT @HuffPost: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela was a tireless activist who spent decades working to oppose racist policies. https://t.co/1q83hUYVxO
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Anti-Apartheid Campaigner, Is Dead At 81 | HuffPost
The South African activist spent decades standing up against racial segregation and discrimination.

@emmamcgann @Plester_ I can’t. It’s in him now. It will only feed on its host until he has withered and passed on. RIP.
RT @HuffPost: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela was a tireless activist who spent decades working to oppose racist policies. https://t.co/1q83hUYVxO
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Anti-Apartheid Campaigner, Is Dead At 81 | HuffPost
The South African activist spent decades standing up against racial segregation and discrimination.

@emmamcgann @Plester_ I can’t. It’s in him now. It will only feed on its host until he has withered and passed on. RIP.
RT @itsRyanButler: The full video of the boy yodeling in Walmart. This kid is a legend

@emmamcgann @Plester_ I can’t. It’s in him now. It will only feed on its host until he has withered and passed on. RIP.
@emmamcgann @Plester_ I can’t. It’s in him now. It will only feed on its host until he has withered and passed on. RIP.
RT @itsRyanButler: The full video of the boy yodeling in Walmart. This kid is a legend


ジョシュ・グローバン(Josh Groban 本名Joshua Winslow Groban 1981年2月27日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の歌手。カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス出身。
2001年11月、アルバム『Josh Groban』をリリースしデビュー。このアルバムに収録されているシャルロット・チャーチとのデュエット曲『The Prayer』を ソルトレイクシティオリンピック閉会式で聖火台の炎が消えるときに歌唱した。2005年のワールドシリーズ開幕戦でもアメリカ国歌を歌唱している。
俳優としては、アメリカの人気ドラマであった『アリー my Love』に2度、歌の上手い青年・マルコム役で出演した。

