

ジュリアン・アサンジに対する評価・印象は、1位 愛すべき(36%)、2位 賢い(31%)、3位 実力派(15%)、4位 話題(15%)であると考えられます。(参考データポイント:57)






Austria, Wed 28 Feb, evening: Assange, President Bellen, Haderer and others speak on dissent & future of the intern… https://t.co/ZTYv6xurqR
Austria, Wed 28 Feb, evening: Assange, President Bellen, Haderer and others speak on dissent & future of the intern… https://t.co/ZTYv6xurqR
LIVE: Julian Assange, Sarah Harrison & Renata Avila at Elevate 2018 https://t.co/OJ9DcjDQJM
Elevate Mediachannel Livestream
Elevate Festival für Musik, Kunst und politischen Diskurs - 28.02. bis 04.03.2018 - in Graz, Österreich
LIVE: Julian Assange, Sarah Harrison & Renata Avila at Elevate 2018 https://t.co/OJ9DcjDQJM
Elevate Mediachannel Livestream
Elevate Festival für Musik, Kunst und politischen Diskurs - 28.02. bis 04.03.2018 - in Graz, Österreich


LIVE: Julian Assange, Sarah Harrison & Renata Avila at Elevate 2018 https://t.co/OJ9DcjDQJM
Elevate Mediachannel Livestream
Elevate Festival für Musik, Kunst und politischen Diskurs - 28.02. bis 04.03.2018 - in Graz, Österreich
What do the #Saudi leaks tell us? https://t.co/6crJuaTY7a
What the Saudi leaks tell us: An interview with Julian Assange | New Internationalist
Since June 2015 WikiLeaks has been releasing details of leaked cables and other documents from within the Saudi Foreign Office. Julian Assange explains what's inside.

What do the #Saudi leaks tell us? https://t.co/6crJuaTY7a
What the Saudi leaks tell us: An interview with Julian Assange | New Internationalist
Since June 2015 WikiLeaks has been releasing details of leaked cables and other documents from within the Saudi Foreign Office. Julian Assange explains what's inside.

What do the #Saudi leaks tell us? https://t.co/6crJuaTY7a
What the Saudi leaks tell us: An interview with Julian Assange | New Internationalist
Since June 2015 WikiLeaks has been releasing details of leaked cables and other documents from within the Saudi Foreign Office. Julian Assange explains what's inside.

The beginning of the end of humanity: Google has put artificial intelligence (AI) into the Pentagon's drone program… https://t.co/ziNw83ajwW
The beginning of the end of humanity: Google has put artificial intelligence (AI) into the Pentagon's drone program… https://t.co/ziNw83ajwW
The beginning of the end of humanity: Google has put artificial intelligence (AI) into the Pentagon's drone program… https://t.co/ziNw83ajwW
RT @JulianAssange: Best way to care for women? Start with the basics: Stop killing them. Stop supporting those who kill them. #WomensDay ht…
RT @JulianAssange: Best way to care for women? Start with the basics: Stop killing them. Stop supporting those who kill them. #WomensDay ht…
RT @JulianAssange: Best way to care for women? Start with the basics: Stop killing them. Stop supporting those who kill them. #WomensDay ht…
15 March: Future of Cyber Security live stream tickets https://t.co/XWaklg80Z7 https://t.co/VOoxYJBy2Z
The Future of Cyber Security Europe: A Q&A with Julian Assange - Cleeng
Join us for an exciting opportunity to hear from WikiLeaks Founder, Julian Assange.

15 March: Future of Cyber Security live stream tickets https://t.co/XWaklg80Z7 https://t.co/VOoxYJBy2Z
The Future of Cyber Security Europe: A Q&A with Julian Assange - Cleeng
Join us for an exciting opportunity to hear from WikiLeaks Founder, Julian Assange.

15 March: Future of Cyber Security live stream tickets https://t.co/XWaklg80Z7 https://t.co/VOoxYJBy2Z
The Future of Cyber Security Europe: A Q&A with Julian Assange - Cleeng
Join us for an exciting opportunity to hear from WikiLeaks Founder, Julian Assange.

Intelligence operatives flood into Democrats ahead of mid term elections https://t.co/iFi83A4AFo See also:… https://t.co/NXnpIGmw7y
The CIA Democrats: Part one - World Socialist Web Site
This series examines the extraordinary integration of the Democratic Party and the intelligence agencies, with dozens of former operatives running as Democratic candidates in 2018.

Intelligence operatives flood into Democrats ahead of mid term elections https://t.co/iFi83A4AFo See also:… https://t.co/NXnpIGmw7y
The CIA Democrats: Part one - World Socialist Web Site
This series examines the extraordinary integration of the Democratic Party and the intelligence agencies, with dozens of former operatives running as Democratic candidates in 2018.

Intelligence operatives flood into Democrats ahead of mid term elections https://t.co/iFi83A4AFo See also:… https://t.co/NXnpIGmw7y
The CIA Democrats: Part one - World Socialist Web Site
This series examines the extraordinary integration of the Democratic Party and the intelligence agencies, with dozens of former operatives running as Democratic candidates in 2018.

Kaspersky analysis of "Slingshot" malware which has been discovered infecting routers in Africa and the Middle East… https://t.co/t3Jz1KqfiW
Kaspersky analysis of "Slingshot" malware which has been discovered infecting routers in Africa and the Middle East… https://t.co/t3Jz1KqfiW
Kaspersky analysis of "Slingshot" malware which has been discovered infecting routers in Africa and the Middle East… https://t.co/t3Jz1KqfiW
Secret cable reveals UK was worried about ongoing secret programs and proliferation risks of Soviet novichok nerve… https://t.co/6u8rC9kzWC
Secret cable reveals UK was worried about ongoing secret programs and proliferation risks of Soviet novichok nerve… https://t.co/6u8rC9kzWC
Secret cable reveals UK was worried about ongoing secret programs and proliferation risks of Soviet novichok nerve… https://t.co/6u8rC9kzWC

RT @wikileaks: Secret cable reveals UK was worried about ongoing secret programs and proliferation risks of Soviet novichok nerve agents (2…


ジュリアン・ポール・アサンジ(Julian Paul Assange
、1971年7月3日 - )は、オーストラリアのジャーナリスト、出版社、発行人、インターネット活動家。内部告発および情報漏洩の情報を伝えるウェブサイトウィキリークスの広報人、編集長として知られる。ウィキリークスを創設する以前はプログラマ、ハッカーとして活動していた。いくつもの国に住んでいたことがあり、報道の自由・検閲・調査報道に関する自身の見解を述べる機会に、公共の場所に姿を現している。姓はアサンジュ、アサーンジとも。

