



開演:2018年04月06日 / チケット販売開始:2017年11月21日
「DUNAS-ドゥナス―」@豊中市立文化芸術センター 大ホール


RT @CootClub1934: Check out Pluto at the Barbican review @The_Upcoming https://t.co/Fojf2qYoYi
Pluto at the Barbican | Theatre review – The Upcoming
A robot’s sole purpose is to be useful to humans. But what possible use could humans be to robots? Could it be that there is worth in the intensity and the indomitability of our emotions… such as hatred? Is it our imperfections that let us achieve what perfect robots cannot? In this sprawling, ambitious and […]

RT @CootClub1934: Check out Pluto at the Barbican review @The_Upcoming https://t.co/Fojf2qYoYi
Pluto at the Barbican | Theatre review – The Upcoming
A robot’s sole purpose is to be useful to humans. But what possible use could humans be to robots? Could it be that there is worth in the intensity and the indomitability of our emotions… such as hatred? Is it our imperfections that let us achieve what perfect robots cannot? In this sprawling, ambitious and […]

RT @CootClub1934: Check out Pluto at the Barbican review @The_Upcoming https://t.co/Fojf2qYoYi
Pluto at the Barbican | Theatre review – The Upcoming
A robot’s sole purpose is to be useful to humans. But what possible use could humans be to robots? Could it be that there is worth in the intensity and the indomitability of our emotions… such as hatred? Is it our imperfections that let us achieve what perfect robots cannot? In this sprawling, ambitious and […]

RT @svengatz: When Maurice Maeterlinck meets Claude Debussy meets Marina Abramovic meets Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui @operavlaanderen ➡️
RT @svengatz: When Maurice Maeterlinck meets Claude Debussy meets Marina Abramovic meets Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui @operavlaanderen ➡️
RT @svengatz: When Maurice Maeterlinck meets Claude Debussy meets Marina Abramovic meets Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui @operavlaanderen ➡️
RT @MyMBuzz: Pluto at the Barbican REVIEW @CherkaouiLarbi @BarbicanCentre https://t.co/xNQq3UOuOP
Pluto at the Barbican REVIEW | MyMBuzz
A theatrical masterpiece >>>

RT @MyMBuzz: Pluto at the Barbican REVIEW @CherkaouiLarbi @BarbicanCentre https://t.co/xNQq3UOuOP
Pluto at the Barbican REVIEW | MyMBuzz
A theatrical masterpiece >>>

RT @MyMBuzz: Pluto at the Barbican REVIEW @CherkaouiLarbi @BarbicanCentre https://t.co/xNQq3UOuOP
Pluto at the Barbican REVIEW | MyMBuzz
A theatrical masterpiece >>>

RT @gfpicchi: Pelléas et Mélisande #marinaabramović #sidilarbicherkaoui #damienjalet #scenographytoday https://t.co/W6zMv5IvoN
Marina Abramović, Pelléas et Mélisande | Scenography Today
Marina Abramović's visual concept and set design for Pelléas et Mélisande by Claude Debussy directed and choreographed by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Damien Jalet. With Iris van Herpen, Marco Brambilla and Urs Schönebaum.
RT @gfpicchi: Pelléas et Mélisande #marinaabramović #sidilarbicherkaoui #damienjalet #scenographytoday https://t.co/W6zMv5IvoN
Marina Abramović, Pelléas et Mélisande | Scenography Today
Marina Abramović's visual concept and set design for Pelléas et Mélisande by Claude Debussy directed and choreographed by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Damien Jalet. With Iris van Herpen, Marco Brambilla and Urs Schönebaum.
RT @gfpicchi: Pelléas et Mélisande #marinaabramović #sidilarbicherkaoui #damienjalet #scenographytoday https://t.co/W6zMv5IvoN
Marina Abramović, Pelléas et Mélisande | Scenography Today
Marina Abramović's visual concept and set design for Pelléas et Mélisande by Claude Debussy directed and choreographed by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Damien Jalet. With Iris van Herpen, Marco Brambilla and Urs Schönebaum.
RT @SsbDeHarmonie: Pluto, een verbluffende voorstelling van choreograaf Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Internationaal toptheater uit Japan met sensa…
RT @SsbDeHarmonie: Pluto, een verbluffende voorstelling van choreograaf Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Internationaal toptheater uit Japan met sensa…
RT @SsbDeHarmonie: Pluto, een verbluffende voorstelling van choreograaf Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Internationaal toptheater uit Japan met sensa…
RT @Classicagenda: [ Chronique ] Sur le fil scintillant des cheveux de Mélisande #PelleasEtMelisande @operavlaanderen #Gesamtkunstwerk -…
RT @Classicagenda: [ Chronique ] Sur le fil scintillant des cheveux de Mélisande #PelleasEtMelisande @operavlaanderen #Gesamtkunstwerk -…
RT @Classicagenda: [ Chronique ] Sur le fil scintillant des cheveux de Mélisande #PelleasEtMelisande @operavlaanderen #Gesamtkunstwerk -…
RT @PlaystoSee: #Pluto ★★★★is a triumph is style and technique. @BarbicanCentre @CherkaouiLarbi an ambitious project with a marvelous payof…
RT @PlaystoSee: #Pluto ★★★★is a triumph is style and technique. @BarbicanCentre @CherkaouiLarbi an ambitious project with a marvelous payof…
RT @PlaystoSee: #Pluto ★★★★is a triumph is style and technique. @BarbicanCentre @CherkaouiLarbi an ambitious project with a marvelous payof…
